The Acqua dell’Elba Foundation is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to make the island of Elba an even more beautiful, attractive and environmentally, economically and socially sustainable place.

It is with this “triple sustainability goal” that the Foundation has worked to date and will continue to work in the future. Its main goals are:

  • the protection and promotion of the landscape and natural beauty of the island of Elba and the promotion of biodiversity
  • the human, cultural and professional growth of the young people of the island of Elba;
  • raising increasing awareness of the importance of the sea and the oceans in general in our lives from both an environmental and an economic and social perspective.
  • Support for local entities which, with lots of dedication and passion, work hard every day to help the most disadvantaged people;
  • Promoting beauty and personal growth through art

The Acqua dell'Elba Foundation was established by Acqua dell'Elba in 2022 to give new impetus to its long-standing commitment to the island of Elba with a dedicated structure, to expand the impact of its activities on the island and to contribute to improving the quality of life of the people who live there. 

Acqua dell'Elba has always placed great stock in being not just an agent but a social actor for society and the island; the Foundation represents the evolution of this approach, specifically set up for the island of Elba to carry out both individual activities and concrete interconnected projects.


The Acqua dell'Elba Foundation's commitment to protecting the environment and biodiversity of the Island of Elba is substantiated in two activities: La Via dell'Essenza and the project Pollinators for Biodiversity.



The "Education" project from the Acqua dell'Elba Foundation has the objective of enriching the libraries of Elban high schools.
This aim will be achieved through the purchase and donation of new texts chosen by the institutes themselves, plus a selection of texts focussed around the theme of female empowerment, a subject which is dear to both the Foundation and the Elban educational community.



For the Acqua dell'Elba Foundation , 'culture' means above all 'spreading a growing awareness on the issues of the sea, at 360°. '
Making the culture of the sea by cutting transversely environment, economy and society is a challenge and a commitment that we renew every year with our festival SEIF - Sea Essence International Festival.



The "Health and Society" area of the Acqua dell'Elba Foundation was created with the aim of helping local organisations that put their heart and soul into supporting people going through difficult times.



The "Arts" department brings under the Foundation's remit the historic project "Artists on Elba", through which Acqua dell'Elba has always supported the Arts and creativity by promoting the work of contemporary artists, organising exhibitions, and purchasing of works of art. In the year of its new beginning, this fourth thread turns into an operational arm for this occasion, becoming itself the vehicle thanks to which the Foundation can set sail: indeed, profits deriving from the sale of every single piece of the collection "Le Spiagge degli Argonauti" ("Shores of the Argonauts") will be devolved to the financial support of the Foundation and its projects, in a virtuous circle populated by people who "are" Acqua dell'Elba and who, we hope, will soon also become "Acqua dell'Elba Foundation" people: the employees, collaborators, partners, and, of course, all of our customers and lovers of the sea and of Isola d'Elba.
