Book Project

Book Project

The foundation's book project is aimed at both primary and secondary schools.

As far as primary schools are concerned, the project began with the 2023-2024 academic year and saw the of the Acqua dell'Elba Foundation the purchase and donation of the book "Tortoise"(Persephone editions) to kindergartens and primary schools of the Pertini Comprehensive Institutes, in Portoferraio, Carducci di Porto Azzurro and Giusti di Campo. Tortoise is a silent-book, i.e. a book without text, which by its very nature is inclusive and lends itself to being leafed through by young and old without the limitations of reading knowledge or language. The highly detailed colour images replace the word. The text was created by the author Angela Galli with the collaboration of Legambiente and the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago

VIDEO of the donation

On the other hand, as far as secondary schools are concerned the 'book project' of the Fondazione Acqua dell'Elba started in 2022 and has the goal of enriching the libraries of all Elban secondary schools with more than 100 new books each year. The institutes involved are the Istituto Tecnico Commerciale e per Geometri 'G. Cerboni' and the Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore 'Raffaello Foresi'.

Of the 100 books identified, 2/3 are chosen each year by the schools through the organization of various meetings between the management, the delegated teaching staff and a representation of male and female students while 1/3 are chosen by the Acqua dell'Elba Foundation in agreement with the two school managements. The subject matter of the latter varies from year to year. The volumes are functional for the realisation of specific project works for the explanation of which please refer to section.


List of books donated by the 'Cerboni' Institute
List of donated books by the 'Raffaello Foresi' Institute


List of donated books from the "Cerboni" Institute
List of donated books from the "Raffaello Foresi" Institute


Book Project

Book Project

The foundation's book project is aimed at both

Project work

Project work

Project works are educational activities carried

Di_Verse at School

Di_Verse at School

Di_Versi a Scuola is the visual poetry and

Foresiana Municipal Library

Foresiana Municipal Library

On 12 October 2022 the agreement with the