The "2023-24 Education Project" of the Acqua dell'Elba Foundation had Financial Education as its theme, with particular attention to savings management and new forms of digital payment, and was developed in collaboration with FeduF (Foundation for Financial Education and Savings).
The project, launched in November 2023 with the donation of a total of 100 books to higher education institutions on the Island of Elba, 1/3 of which were precisely on the subject of financial education, took shape with the launch of a Project Work that actively involved the two schools.
For the entire school year, the students of classes 3 A Graphic and the fourth classes of the Hotel Manager (Eno and SaV addresses), dedicated themselves to the study of the subject, which consisted in the provision of specific training during the hours of Civic Education and in the presentation, on Thursday 30 and Friday 31 May, of group work: a video in English made by the children and the Cerboni Institute focused on the technical aspects of savings, taxation and investment linked purely to the world of work; an analysis of how the economy is closely connected with all aspects of life - from the point of view of culture, music and environment - for the children of ISIS Foresi.